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Holy Face of Jesus
Site Contents

Welcome to these 'Holy Face' web pages.

The list below gives details about what's included on each page of this site, but you can also use the side-bar on the left which appears on every page.

Thanks for your visit, and God Bless.

St Veronica
The tradition of the holy woman Veronica: Veronica and the story of the crucifixion - 6th Station of the Cross: Origins of Devotion to the Holy Face
The Mandylion
The Veil of Veronica and the "Mandylion": History of the Mandylion:
Was the Mandylion the Holy Shroud of Turin?
The Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin: facial features, wounds, biblical description of the Passion, and Scientific findings about the face of the Shroud: Carbon Dating: Controversy about the accuracy of carbon dating.

The tradition of devotion to the Holy Face through the lives of saints: including, St.Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Gertrude, Mother Julian of Norwich, St.Therese, Sister Marie Pierre, Mother Maria-Pierina

The Holy Face Medal
What is the Holy Face Medal? The Story of the medal - including the Life of Sister Maria Pierina: How to obtain a medal from the Holy Face Association of Canada
Prayers and Devotions to the Holy Face of Jesus: the official Holy Face Novena and Chaplet
A picture gallery of images of the Face of Jesus from the Turin Shroud, Mandylion and elsewhere
Links to other sites about the Holy Face and the Shroud of Turin
My Chaplet
My own chaplet of devotion to the Holy Face

About Me
Some information about the author

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